So recently I got the chance to take some maternity pics of friend and fellow photographer Caroline Flynn (Caroline Flynn Photography).
Caroline is an extremely talented photographer who creates beautiful fine art imagery and also amazing newborn photography.
Stepping into her studio would make anyone broody seeing all the gorgeous images! 🙂
Like myself, Caroline is always busy BEHIND the lens! For me capturing her at this precious time in her life was special so I was delighted when she agreed! 🙂
We decided to meet at her studio and both had very different ideas of what we could/ should shoot so we decided to throw the plan the window and prioritise fun instead and just let whatever happened happen!
We laughed a lot, almost cried from the laughter and of course ate chocolate (well I did!)…
Caroline also managed to get me in front of the camera and photograph my expanding belly!
Thank you Caroline this will always be a fun day to look back on and that’s what photography is all about! Capturing those special moments and laughter forever…
I can’t wait to meet your new arrival very soon!!! xxxx
A very special thanks to Georgina Mackessy for my fab makeup, check out her site here and Tricia O Sullivan for our gorgeous hair. You girls are AMAZING! 🙂 xxxx
Tara x