Post Valentine’s Day!

“Small things done with great love will change the world.”

On valentines day my friend Lorenzo, (you may remember him on the news/late late show/ social media etc visited my son’s school to tell them about his night out at sea. He told his amazing story of survival and explained the power of the sea and how we should respect it. The children asked how he survived, “Did he see any sharks? Did he get scared? What did he eat? How could he see in the dark? How did he stay alive?” and the real question from one of the juniors was “Did he get bored?”. It was an afternoon of lessons and laughter. We were reminded that we are all small beings in this huge universe, like he was a tiny speck that night out at sea. Lorenzo talked about never giving up no matter how tough things may seem. Even in the most difficult of situations there is always hope and if that was the only lesson the children took home, that is an incredibly powerful one!

After such an eventful afternoon, I enjoyed some time with my boys “doing nothing” which is a huge challenge for me as there are always jobs to be done! I guess those are the perks of running a business! In that downtime, my eldest had a real heart to heart chat with me, while my youngest began picking daises for me!

My mum offered to babysit, which meant Dave and myself could go out and enjoy dinner and have an actual uninterrupted conversation! Any parents reading this will totally get where I am coming from here!!!! 🙂 

So my reason for sharing this is, that sometimes we need to slow down.

We need to stop and be aware of the amazing things that we are often too busy to notice. We are more aware of acts of love and kindness on specific days like Valentines due to the radio, tv, magazines etc bombarding everyone with “Valentines stories and ideas”, and some feel obliged to buy the cards, flowers, chocolates etc.

But why can’t we apply the principal and show those acts of kindness all year round?

Be kind, share your story, listen to others and make someone smile, it doesn’t cost a thing! 🙂

“Happy Valentines” LOL….

Tara x

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