So most of you know by now we have been blessed with another beautiful boy!
Dáithí arrived at the end of May on a Tuesday which was really good of him not to interrupt a wedding day! 🙂
All went really well and now our home and our hearts are fuller and life is just that bit crazier! Who would have thought that could be possible?
I have to laugh when I get asked CONSTANTLY is he good? What defines a good baby? One that is happy and healthy and eats and poops regularly?
Does he sleep? Yes of course he does, but does he also wake? Well yes I would be worried if he didn’t wake up for a feed, a cuddle and some play time!
I don’t mind being woke up at 3 am and seeing the amazing satisfaction and pleasure that something as simple as a clean bum and a feed brings to him, makes it all worthwhile. He isn’t asking for much 🙂 His smile could make even the grumpiest person at 3am forget why they were ever grumpy!
So for all the new mums that may stumble across this post, keep doing what you are doing, stock up on coffee (as that helps when you are having a particularly tired day!) and remember that you are AMAZING!